January 19: Tropique Magnifique #22

Publisert 09/01/18

BIG NEWS for Tropique Magnifique for 2018: We are moving venue from Ingensteds to Revolver!  
DJ BHLB har en sjelden samling av musikk fra tropiske strøk som i flere år har løftet dansemusikk i hovedstaden til nye høyder. Nå inntar han Revolver med Tropique Magnifique for første gang! 

(E) Revolver is a lot more intimate and more suitable for a warm Tropical party. If u have not been at Revolver before, it is located in Møllergata and features a great bar upstairs and a friendly club/concert venue in the basement. Tropique Magnifique will be in the basement by the backyard. I am super excited and cannot wait to play my new finds for you lovely people. Event will be up very soon. Below i have linked my Mixcloud with all the previous Tropique Magnifique recordings so you can check it out. Much love & see you there!
@ Revolver / Møllergata 32 / from 10 pm/ fra kl. 22’00 / cc 50


A night dedicated to the most unlikely grooves from Africa & South America, new and old, rare & deep, all blended with expertise for a busy dance floor.

The music is carefully selected each time,
and will present new findings within 60s to 90s Tropical rarities as well as the freshest releases with a Tropical flavor.
Ranging from the cutest Bossanova to the meanest percussive Bass Beats of today.

BHLB has been DJing since the year 2000 at various clubs in Norway and abroad, and has been a primus motor for clubs like Nomaden & Turkish Delight.

Cadence / Antique Soca / Caribbean Disco / 80s Zouk / Kompas / Coladeira / Cabo Verde Morna / Guadeloupe / Haiiti / Cumbia / Palenque / Gwo-Ka / Afrofunk/ Soukous / Highlife / Biguine / Batucada / Bossanova / Samba / Tropicalia / EthioFunk / Tropical Footwork / Brass & Perc / Tropical Bass / Calypso / African Boogie / PanFunk / Angolian Soul / Brazilian Breaks / Tropical Edits !!