Torsdag 12. april
på Dattera til Hagen
kl. 21:00 – kr 80
Det er med glede vi presenterer Ivan Mazuze Group som slipper slipper sitt nye album Ndzuti i april. Mazuze har vært basert i Norge siden 2009 og har i løpet av kort tid bemerket seg som en svært interessant og og spennende utøver. Hans forrige releasekonsert på Dattera ble en suksess – det er sjeldent at jazz betyr et fullt og svett dansegulv i Oslo!
Ndzuti betyr skygge på språket Xichangana, et gammelt språk i det sørlige Mosambik. Musikken på albumet er en blanding av tradisjonell folkemusikk fra Mosambik, afrikansk jazz og skandinavisk/nordisk jazz.
Perkusjonisten Sidiki Camara (Mali) har en sentral rolle på albumet med djembe og andre instrumenter som doundouns og talking drum.
Hanne Tveter, kjent for sine tolkninger av latinamerikanske og norske eldre vokaltradisjoner bidrar med tolkninger av afrikanske melodier, mens Andre Viervoll tilfører jazzelementer på piano. Manou Gallo (Elfenbenskysten) bidrar med hennes særegne blanding av moderne og tradisjonell vestlig afrikanske vokal med sørafrikansk rytmisk grooves. Den kubanske virtuose pianisten Omar Sosa var også innom studio.
Mazuze har med Ndzuti tatt sikte på å skape et album som presenterer perkusjon og saksofon med melodisk improvisasjon som trekker på afrikanske tradisjoner afrikanske i en blanding med med jazz.
About “Ndzuti”
Ivan Mazuze Group
The Group (IMG) plays music composed by
Mozambican saxophonist and composer Ivan
Mazuze – a graduate of UCT with a BA in jazz
performance and Masters in ethnomusicology.
Mazuze has more than ten years of experience as a
professional musician involved in performances,
recordings and international tours. IMG’s music is a
blend of traditional Mozambican folk music, African
jazz and Scandinavian music jazz elements. The group
has been located in Norway since 2009.
Ndzuti means shadow in Xichangana, an ancient
language of southern Mozambique. This title reflects
Ivan Mazuze’s view of his cultural heritage set in a
modern perspective.
All of the music is composed by Ivan Mazuze, and is
based on his studies of African traditional music in a
contemporary “sound” environment. The
compositions have grown out of Mazuze’s experience
as a musician in southern Africa and his current musical
experience with West African musicians in Norway.
They present a mix of musical styles, of southern
African melodic material on saxophone along with
western African vocals and percussion traditions. Into
this mixture, Mazuze has added elements of
Norwegian vocal phrasing with southern African
Among other things, the album includes Mazuze’s blend of
typical Norwegian jazz piano with an entire percussion
ensemble, African and Norwegian vocals and saxophone
Percussionist Sidiki Camara, Mali, is an important part of
the Ndzuti album. He contributes with a full djembe
ensemble, and instruments such as doundouns and talking
drums. Also important are Hanne Tveter’s Latin American
and Norwegian vocal interpretations of African melodies.
Andre Viervoll sets up the typical Norwegian Jazz piano
phrasing expression by providing calmness within percussive
Singer Manou Gallo, Ivory Coast, contributes with her
typical way of performing contemporary and traditional
western African songs with southern African-based rhythmic
The Cuban pianist Omar Sosa has also participated,
providing spontaneous moments in the studio that resulted
in the creation of several compositions during recording
Mazuze has aimed at creating an album that presents
percussion and saxophone melodic improvisation that is
deeply centered in southern and western African roots with
jazz structured elements. This is one of the Afro-Jazz forms
of musical expression.
Ivan Mazuze Group
The Group (IMG) plays music composed by
Mozambican saxophonist and composer Ivan
Mazuze – a graduate of UCT with a BA in jazz
performance and Masters in ethnomusicology.
Mazuze has more than ten years of experience as a
professional musician involved in performances,
recordings and international tours. IMG’s music is a
blend of traditional Mozambican folk music, African
jazz and Scandinavian music jazz elements. The group
has been located in Norway since 2009.
Ndzuti means shadow in Xichangana, an ancient
language of southern Mozambique. This title reflects
Ivan Mazuze’s view of his cultural heritage set in a
modern perspective.
All of the music is composed by Ivan Mazuze, and is
based on his studies of African traditional music in a
contemporary “sound” environment. The
compositions have grown out of Mazuze’s experience
as a musician in southern Africa and his current musical
experience with West African musicians in Norway.
They present a mix of musical styles, of southern
African melodic material on saxophone along with
western African vocals and percussion traditions. Into
this mixture, Mazuze has added elements of
Norwegian vocal phrasing with southern African
Among other things, the album includes Mazuze’s blend of
typical Norwegian jazz piano with an entire percussion
ensemble, African and Norwegian vocals and saxophone
Percussionist Sidiki Camara, Mali, is an important part of
the Ndzuti album. He contributes with a full djembe
ensemble, and instruments such as doundouns and talking
drums. Also important are Hanne Tveter’s Latin American
and Norwegian vocal interpretations of African melodies.
Andre Viervoll sets up the typical Norwegian Jazz piano
phrasing expression by providing calmness within percussive
Singer Manou Gallo, Ivory Coast, contributes with her
typical way of performing contemporary and traditional
western African songs with southern African-based rhythmic
The Cuban pianist Omar Sosa has also participated,
providing spontaneous moments in the studio that resulted
in the creation of several compositions during recording
Mazuze has aimed at creating an album that presents
percussion and saxophone melodic improvisation that is
deeply centered in southern and western African roots with
jazz structured elements. This is one of the Afro-Jazz forms
of musical expression.