Artist in Residence program sommer 2011

Publisert 19/05/11

becaye og ablaye

Global Oslo Music er stolte av å presentere sitt nye Artists in Residence program. En utveksling mellom artister på tvers av geografiske og kulturelle grenser som gir plass til nye stemmer og kombinasjoner vil med dette finne sted. Det første programmet avvikles i perioden 22.-26. juni i Oslo. Her møtes den senegalesiske artisten Ablaye Cissoko og oslobaserte Becaye AW. Dette er to ledende utøvere som med gitar og kora byr på en sjelden vakker musikk med røtter i afrikansk blues og roots. Her kan publikum oppleve dem gjennom workshop og konserter som vil presentere deres musikalske samarbeid.

Dato / sted
23. juni: Workshop på Dattera til Hagen, Grønland 10, Kl. 18.00 (gratis adgang)
23. juni: Clubkveld og jamsession på Dattera til Hagen, Grønland 10, kl. 22.00, kr. 80
24. juni: Konsert på Cafeteatret, Hollendergt 8, kl. 21.00, kr. 100 + avgift kr. 20

Ablaye Cissoko (Senegal) er kjent for sitt koraspill. Han har i en årrekke turnert med forestillingen “Le griot Rouge” (oppkalt etter hans andre album) som beretter om legenden som skapte instrumentet. Her traderer Cissoko på en fremragende måte verdiene av en sjenerøs og gammel tradisjon. Hans nyeste album “Sira” er laget i samarbeid med trompetisten Volker Goetze som har mottatt strålende kritikker. Albumet nådde til topps januar 2009 på CMJ, verdensmusikkens radioliste.

Becaye AW (Mauritania) bosatt i Oslo er gitarist, sanger og låtskriver, kjent for sin særegne gitarteknikk han har utviklet og musikk i Fulanitradisjon. Becaye begynte sin musikalske karriere i Senegal og har spilt med legender som Baaba Maal og Mansuur Seck. Han har siden hatt en rekke samarbeidsprosjekter i Norge og internasjonalt. I september 2009 utga Becaye sitt første soloalbum “Sibi” til strålende kritikker og mottok Norsk Folk Music Award for beste CD i crossover sjangeren. Becayes repertoar inkluderer egen komposisjoner i tillegg til tradisjonelle sanger.

Neste Artists in Residence 5.-9. oktober: Bonfire Madigan (US) med gjester. I samarbeid med Global Paris Music og Montmartre

Becaye Aw & Kouame Sereba

Publisert 10/11/10

Our next production is a meeting of two wonderful west African artists;

Becaye Aw and Kouame Sereba


Doors open at 20.00

Concert will be at 21.00

Tickets are kr 80

There will be a DJ afterwards until 01.00

Koeju – Becaye Aw & Jay Molino

Publisert 30/11/09

koeju becaye


Clubnight dedicated to live club music.

Guest musicians, new expressions, live beats,

mix of electronic & acoustic music for the dancefloor.


3rd December:

F E A T U R I N G:

BECAYE AW – VOCALSGUITAR Becaye is a guitarist, singer and songwriter of the African Fulani (Haal Pulaar) people. Becaye spent his childhood in Dakar, Senegal, and it was here he first laid his hands on a guitar. Becaye is largely self-taught. After learning elementary guitar-technique from a Serere musician, he went on to develop his own style, listening to recordings and to the radio. His African approach to guitar tuning and his way of playing the instrument result in a sound similar to the cora. Becaye began his musical career in Senegal, playing with musicians such as Baaba Maal and Mansuur Seck. He has since then participated in many groups and projects, in collaboration with a variety of musicians.


JAY MIOLINHO – VOCALS, SYNTH & PIANO Jay Miolinho (José Moreira) is a singer/songwriter from Cape Verde. Currently he spends much of the year in Norway, teaching capoeira and working with his musical carriere. Jay e banda is Jay with his band of eight Norwegian professional musicians. Together, they have performed on the major musical festival in Cape Verde, as well as smaller gigs in Oslo. The music is basically taken form his latest CD – Momento certo. Jay started his musical carriere as a hip-hop artist in Portugal, with the band DaBlazz. They had a big hit with ”Rola dodo” in 2001. Jay..s first solo album, ”Só mi (Only me), was released in 2004.


BECAYE, JAY & THE KOÈJU PROJECT Jay has collaborated in the Koèju project several times during the last 4 years. Together with Åsmund Skuterud he has done live club performances both in Oslo and Bergen and in the capital of Cape Verde, Praia. Additionally, 2 of the musicians in the Koèju resident band, Robin and Øystein, plays in Jay’s band and together they have been performing in major festivals in Cape Verde several times during the last year. In other words, Jay is deeply linked to the Koèju project and we are very happy to have him with us this thursday, presenting some new clubmaterial and some famous “jay-remixx”.

A year back Anne Grønlund made a radio documentary about “Jay e Banda” for Jungeltelegrafen på P2, and.. in the same program another great artist caught our attention, namely the singer songwriter Becaye Aw. With his latest CD called SIBI, he has been awarded with the price “Crossover artist of the year”. We have been fortunate to have him with us in Nomaden this thursday, and we are looking forward to present a highly personal and engaging versjon of club music.



Robin Sohrabi-Shiraz – Sax & Perc

Diego Brasil – Drums & Guitar

Åsmund Skuterud – Keys

Øystein Bendos – Bass

Baba – Vocals


Nomaden group facebook event:

Koèju – Live Club Sessions group, facebook event:

Koèju myspace: