May 8: Jazz in Khartoum ft. Sidiki Camara

Publisert 24/04/18

Live music | Every Tuesday | Khartoum
@ Khartoum Contemporary Art Center / Bernt Ankers gate 17


Sidiki Camara starts the evening with a short performance at 19:30. After the solo he will be joined by a group of invited musicians. There will be 3 sets of live music. Free entrance.

On Tuesdays this historic basement is filled with live music. Lots of musicians and a huge variety of instruments in a free falling improv session, so come listen, meditate or dance!

Feature artist 08.05: Sidiki Camara (percussion)

Bamako, the capital of Mali, is known as the musical heart of Western Africa. Here, the rich and diverse traditions of the region merge and harmonize with musical impulses of all corners of the world. One of Bamako’s great sons, Oslo-based Sidiki Camara, offers a stunning combination of West African music and sophisticated modern jazz.

Sidiki Camara’s musical merits are quite unique. Starting up as a solo artist at the Mali National Ballet, he grew tremendously as a percussionist when collaborating with the old master Mamady Keïta. He has become a permanent member of The Inter Continentals, the group led by legendary American jazz guitarist Bill Frisell. He has collaborated with compatriots like Rokia Traoré (who left us spellbound at Oslo World 2013) and Ali Farka Touré. After moving to Oslo in 2010, Sidiki has worked with a number of jazz musicians, most notably Bugge Wesseltoft. Throughout the years he has grown a reputation for his modernist takes on the traditional Western African Manding music, as well as for being a source of inspiration for jazz musicians worldwide. Sidiki’s main instrument is the djembe, the West African drum used in Manding music. He also plays the calabash drum, using it to mark the pulse of his music – as well as handling the vocals and the ngoni string instrument.

As the frontman of Sidiki Camara Group, he is working with well-reputed musicians Bendik Hofseth (saxophone), Audun Erlien (bass), Jacob Young (guitar) and André Viervoll (piano). After releasing their splendid first album, “Nakan”, the outfit has dazed the Oslo jazz crowds at local venues.

Ny podcastserie: Globale møter – ny musikk

Publisert 23/04/18



Vi fyller ti år og feirer dette med å lansere en rekke nye kunstfaglige tiltak i løpet av året.  Seks nye bestillingsverk inngår i dette, med urpremierer under festivalen Global Nights på Belleville i Oslo i perioden 25.-27. mai.

I podcastserien «Globale møter – ny musikk», publisert via Global Sonics som er vår nye publiseringstjeneste, har produsent Deise Nunes snakket med komponistene om de kreative prosessene bak de nye bestillingsverkene. I første episode møter hun komponistduoen og musikerne Oddrun Lilja Jonsdottir og Lajla Storli, som har urpremiere med verket ”Kvöldvaka” 27. mai.

Hør Oddrun Lilja og Lajla Storli i samtale med produsent Deise Nunes. 

Norsk-islandske Oddrun Lilja har studert jazz ved Norges musikkhøgskole. Hun beskrives som en allsidig og nyskapende utøvende og skapende kunstner som har spilt konserter verden rundt og samarbeidet med mange store navn innen jazz- og folkemusikk.

Lajla Storli er en anerkjent norsk folkemusiker fra Hardanger, kjent for sin allsidighet og nære formidlingsevne. Hun er en av landets fremste folkesangere og har turnert i Norge og internasjonalt som kveder og hardingfelespiller.

På oppdrag fra Global Oslo Music har duoen skrevet verket som har fått tittel ”Kvöldvaka”. Med utgangspunkt i norsk og islandsk folkemusikk tematiseres her det mirakuløse i det menneskelige, i tonene og i naturen vi omgir oss med. Verket har urpremiere 27. mai.

Neste podcast: Sidiki Camara i samtale med Deise Nunes © 2018

May 1: Jazz in Khartoum ft. Michaela Antalová

Publisert 11/04/18

Live music | Every Tuesday | Khartoum
@ Khartoum Contemporary Art Center / Bernt Ankers gate 17


Michaela Antalová starts the evening with a short performance at 19:30. After the solo she will be joined by a group of invited musicians. There will be 3 sets of live music. Free entrance.

On Tuesdays this historic basement is filled with live music. Lots of musicians and a huge variety of instruments in a free falling improv session, so come listen, meditate or dance!

Feature artist 01.05: Michaela Antalová (drums)

Hei! I play, compose and I am occupied by exploring improvisation in many settings. I do solo performances and run several bands. Band called Mikoo, Quartet with two improvising acoustics guitars and voice called Fennel and drum duo Nutela. Together with Chris Corsano, Anja Jacobsen and Øyvind Skarbø we made a new piece for four drumkits. In August 2016 my solo album called Oblak, Oblek, Oblúk was released on a Czech label Jipangu.
I am a band leader of Mikoo. I am happy to play with some of the best improvisers of the new generation in Oslo. This music, which I have written for this project, is both inspired by, and written for these specific musicians. Compositions are using elements of group improvisation, including minimal songs, sonorities of church music, nuances of intonation and silence.

I am also a member of bands such as Bye Victoria, Brinicle, Lovalova, Arará and Prague Improvisation Orchestra.